Public Disclosure:
Bacone College status changed
from “Accredited – On Probation” to “Accredited”
Effective: February 25, 2022
The Higher Learning Commission has removed the sanction of Probation for Bacone College in Muskogee,
Shawn Dixon, M.Ed., RT(R)(ARRT)
The radiography program has changed the application process to a classroom experience. The application process will be completed while a student is enrolled in RAD1114 Introduction to Imaging. The program is now a 5-semester (19 months), course-sequenced curriculum that includes clinical and didactic instruction.
Graduates of the program are eligible to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Certification Examination.
The program is accredited by:Joint Review Commission on Education in Radiologic Technology (currently in probationary status: JRCERT letter download) 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850 Chicago, IL 60606-3182 312-704-5300
Financial Aid Office: 918-840-3223
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Registrar Office: 918-840-7534
Helpful Resources:
Admissions Packet (completed in introduction to imaging course)
Outcomes Assessment Plans
Assessment Committee Minutes
Program Accreditation
Status: Probation
The JRCERT defines “not actively seeking employment” as:
- Graduate who fails to communicate with program officials regarding employment status after multiple attempts OR
- Graduate is unwilling to accept employment that requires relocation OR
- Graduate in unwilling to accept employment due to salary or hours OR
- Graduate is on active military duty OR 5. Graduate is continuing education
Articulation Agreements
Contact us for more information!
The mission of Bacone College Radiography Program is to assist in meeting community needs for highly competent radiographers, who give skilled care with respect for individual, cultural, and spiritual differences, while maintaining the college commitment to serving American Indians. This is accomplished through didactic education, offered in a nurturing Christian environment, and clinical education provided at affiliated hospitals and clinics. The combination of theory and clinical practice enables the student to acquire the knowledge, skills, and professional values necessary for the practice of radiography in diverse community and clinical settings.
The goals of Bacone College, Associate of Applied Science Degree in Radiography, include:
Students will be clinically competent.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Students will demonstrate proper positioning skills.
- Students will demonstrate proper radiation protection and patient care skills.
Students will demonstrate communication skills.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Students will be able to communicate verbally with others in classroom and clinic settings.
- Students will be able to produce written communication skills.
Students will model professionalism.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Students will gain professional development knowledge outside the classroom.
- Students will develop job placement skills.
Students will develop critical thinking skills.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Students will learn to apply technique adjustments in the clinical setting for non-general exams.
- Students will adapt to trauma situations within the clinical setting.
Students will feel that the program is effective.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Students will complete the program.
- Students will pass national certification on the 1st attempt.
- Students will be satisfied with the education they received prior to graduation.
- Graduates will be employed within six months.
- Employer satisfaction of recent graduates.