The Exercise Science program is committed to serving all qualified students in a culturally diverse community by giving them the academic basis and awareness for pursuing career opportunities in areas requiring a foundation of human science.
With the expansion of professions in sports, fitness and activity related healthcare, Exercise Science is now being widely recognized as a degree program that can be used as a foundational bachelor’s degree for acquiring health profession certifications and degrees. Someone graduating with a degree in Exercise Science, and possibly pursuing other post-graduate certification, would have a broad range of career choices including but not limited to: fitness / strength training, athletic training, physical therapy, medicine and other healthcare-related field vocations.
Students are prepared to sit for the ACSM Certified Personal Trainer Certification and the NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Certification.
Program Highlights
Student who participate and successfully complete the program requirements for Exercise Science have a highly specialized skill set. Currently, students are trained in the ACSM CVD and Metabolic Disease risk stratification assessment with the capacity for biometric screenings, Maximal and submaximal fitness testing for performance and detection of CVD, Exercise prescription for clinical and non-clinical populations, Performance based testing and design through the NSCA-CSCS certification competencies, and a scientific foundation for science based graduate programs focusing within the health and fitness discipline.
Internship Experience
Students within the Exercise Science program are required to complete a 240-hour (6 credits) practical internship at an approved site. Our internship site partnerships include: Jack Montgomery Veterans Hospital, Indian Health, Muskogee Swim and Fitness Center, Muskogee Bone and Joint Clinic, Champions Fitness, St. Francis Health Zone-Tulsa, Dynamic Sports Development-Tulsa, OU Human Performance Lab-Tulsa, OSU Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation-Tulsa, University of Tulsa Strength and Conditioning Department, Oral Roberts University Strength and Conditioning Department, Bacone Athletic Training, and many other sites outside of the area.
Graduate Placement
Students who capitalize on their experiences within the Bacone Exercise Science Program have a skill set in high demand within the work force or for health and fitness graduate programs.
Graduates of the Bacone Exercise Science Program have obtained placements in the following settings: Certified Personal Trainer, Respiratory Therapist, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fitness Center Management, Masters Level Athletic Training Graduate programs, Doctoral Level Physical Therapy Programs, Nursing School, Graduate Occupational Therapy Programs, and Masters Level Exercise Science programs.
Learning Goals and Outcomes
Intended Student Learning Outcomes for Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science:
The successful student who completes the Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science degree program will be able to:
1. Demonstrate effective communication and critical thinking skills that will enable success in graduate school, and workplace.
2. Demonstrate recognition of harmful health practices and intervene to effect attitudinal and behavioral change towards the adoption of healthy activities.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of principles of safe conduct and benefits of exercise activities.
4. Demonstrate the ability to interpret physical fitness and health assessment data.
5. Demonstrate the ability to develop physical fitness and health assessment programs.
6. Demonstrate the competencies to become certified as personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches obtaining national certifications such as ACSM Health Fitness Specialist and/or NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach.