The Bacone College Registrar’s Office maintains and protects the official academic record for every student at Bacone College, and oversees the academic calendar, course schedules and more. In addition, the Registrar’s Office oversees transfers, transcripts, changes in enrollment and other administrative needs for the institution.
Contact the Registrar’s Office via email at [email protected] or call 918-781-7401.
Incomplete Grade Agreement Form
Download the Incomplete Grade Agreement Form here.
Transcript Request
For current students:
Fill out this form, print and take to the registrar's office. Current students are able to get five copies from the registar's office per year at no cost as long as the student has no balance on their account.
For e-transcipt requests:
If this is your first time using the online order system, please click Create Account and enter the required information. Once your account is created you will be able to request transcripts online and track the status of your orders. There are three options available: e-Transcripts (fastest method), standard paper transcripts, and legacy transcripts. Orders placed outside the Registrar's office normal operating hours will require additional processing time.
Course Add/Drop Request
Download this form, fill out class information, and take the form to your adviser for completion.
FERPA Release
Fill out and sign this FERPA Release to authorize Bacone College to communicate, orally and in writing, with your parents or legal guardian on any academic disciplinary and financial matter relating to my education at Bacone College.
Student Change of Information Form
Please use for change of address, name, email, etc. Any student requesting a change in name must present documented proof the change of name has already occurred, e.g. marriage license, court documents, Oklahoma driver's license, etc.
Change of Major Request
Withdrawal Procedure
In order to withdraw completely from Bacone College, you must be logged in to your student Moodle account, then please fill out this Withdrawal Form before classes start for the semester to begin the process. If you withdraw from Bacone College after the start of classes, you will not receive a full refund. Upon submission of the Withdrawal Form, you will be directed to the Exit Survey and then Student Loan Exit Counseling. Once a student has officially registered, in order to receive a 100% refund a withdrawal form must be completed prior to the first day of class.
You may also find these forms in Moodle under student resources.
Academic Documents
Visit https://www.bacone.edu/catalogs-handbooks/ for current catalogs, calendars and course offerings.
Veterans Education Benefits
Bacone College is approved to train students under all chapters of GI Bill® benefits including VA education benefits. The VA Certifying Official, located in the Registrar’s Office at the/Welcome Center, will provide infonnation and assistance in the proper completion of all forms.
When all required forms and documents have been submitted to the Registrar’s Office, students eligible for VA education benefits will be certified to the VA promptly. Students must request certification for every semester in which they enroll and want to receive their VA education benefits.
To research exactly what benefit you may be eligible to receive, or if you are eligible for more than one chapter of benefits, which benefit is your best option, or to find in-depth information about the various chapters, go to’ the GI Bill website: ww.gibill.va.gov.
If students wish to contact the VA Regional Processing Office in Muskogee, OK, the following are toll free telephone numbers at which they can contact the VA directly: Call 1-888-GIBILLl with questions concerning your VA education benefits, or call 1-800-827-1000, with questions pertaining to all other Veterans benefits.
Students utilizing VA education benefits must turn in previous transcripts and training records to be evaluated for prior credit, whether or not prior credit is granted.
Students utilizing VA education benefits may be in debt to the VA for withdrawing or being dismissed from courses early.
To research exactly what benefit you may be eligible to receive, or if you are eligible for more than one chapter of benefits, which benefit is your best option, or to find in-depth information about the various chapters, go to the GI Bill website: ww.gibill. va.gov.
For All Students Using Veterans Benefits
You must notify the Bacone College Veteran Student Certifying Official in the Registrar’s Office of the following:
• Adds
• Adds
• Drops
• Withdrawals
• Cancelled courses
• Degree changes
• Major changes
• Non-attendance
• Repeated courses
Failure to notify the Bacone College Veteran Student Certifying Official of changes could result in delays in your payments from the VA or an overpayment which will require you to reimburse the VA for paid courses.
Services for Students
VA benefits-eligible students are encouraged to use other campus services and programs including advisement, tutoring, and Veterans Administration paid work-study.
{GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.”}
Application for Graduation
All graduation application paperwork and receipt of fee paid must be turned in to the Registrar’s Office by the deadlines.
Mailing address: Attn: Registrar, 2299 Old Bacone Road, Muskogee, OK 74403;
Fax number
Last Day to Apply for Graduation: October 8, 2021 for Fall completion date: February 25, 2022 for Spring completion date: or March 31, 2022 for Summer completion date.
Enrollment Agreement
Upon completing this form, you will be held financially responsible for the costs published in the College Catalog.
Student Email, Moodle initial login instructions
Initial Login Instructions (you will be required to change the password on first login)
Credit Transfer Request
If request is approved, an official transcript of the course(s) must be received before credit will be
recorded on the student’s Bacone College record. Bacone only accepts grades of “C” or better in transfer.
Read the full policy in the Bacone College Catalog.